17. June. 2024


On June 14, 2024, State Secretary in the Ministry of Education Zoran Kasalovic and the Mayor of Merosina Sasa Jovanović ceremoniously opened a newly constructed kindergarten within the “Poletarac” Preschool Institution in Merosina. The new facility, covering an area of approximately 640m2 and funded with over 53 million dinars, will provide 80 new spots for children, organized into four groups.

“With the construction of this facility, we continue to implement our educational policy aimed at increasing the coverage of children through the preschool education system. The Ministry of Education supports parents, local government, and our youngest citizens because by investing in their education, we lay the foundation for a healthy and happy childhood, and consequently, a successful future,” stated State Secretary Zoran Kasalovic, emphasizing that the expansion of preschool institution capacities in Serbia is part of the “Inclusive Preschool Education and Care” project supported by the World Bank.

Previously, as part of the Project, the Ministry of Education adapted six rooms for operation in five villages of the Merosina municipality, accommodating over 200 children in the preschool education system over the past four years. Free transportation has been provided for children from remote areas, and workshops have been organized for parents from socially vulnerable groups. Merosina received non-refundable funds totalling 7.3 million dinars for these activities.

“The Municipality of Merosina and the Poletarac Preschool Institution are honoured and pleased to open the new kindergarten in Merosina today with State Secretary in the Ministry of Education Zoran Kasalovic. The new “Poletarac” building eliminates waiting lists, facilitates and enhances children’s stay in the kindergarten, and allows parents to work with peace of mind, knowing their children are in good hands. It is our responsibility as the local self-government, together with the ministry, to continue implementing such successful projects and to improve conditions for young parents while encouraging natality,” stated Mayor Sasha Jovanović.

In addition to expanding capacities, the Ministry of Education pays special attention to improving the quality of the preschool education system. In line with this, training sessions have been conducted for employees within the preschool institution territory of the Merošina municipality. Visits to the cluster center in Pirot have been organized for educators, professional associates, and directors to exchange practical knowledge and experiences. The Inclusive Education Team has undergone training aimed at supporting parents and children. Additional funds amounting to approximately 225,000 dinars have been allocated to enhance the quality of the preschool education system, specifically for the acquisition of ICT equipment and low-mobile furniture.

The Ministry of Education is implementing the “Inclusive Preschool Education and Care” project in cooperation with the World Bank, covering 23 facilities in the territory of 22 local self-governments. The Project aims to improve the quality of preschool upbringing and education, with a particular focus on increasing its accessibility to children from socially vulnerable groups and raising parents’ awareness of the importance of including children in the preschool education system from the earliest age. The total value of the project is 47 million euros.

You can see the photos here.