24. April. 2023


The Minister of Education, Branko Ruzic, opened today the professional consultation of deans and directors of faculties and colleges that educate teachers. He said that the Ministry, as part of the reform processes in the system of preschool upbringing and education, which were initiated by the introduction of the Foundations of preschool upbringing and Education program “Godine uzleta” provides support for improving the initial education of educators.

Minister Ruzic pointed out that measures and initiatives implemented by higher education institutions within their competencies are supported, and they concern the harmonization of study programs with competence standards for the professional conception of upbringing and education.

He reminded that since September 1 of last year, all preschool institutions and elementary schools that implement the preparatory preschool program, work according to the programs following the new program concept of “Godine uzleta”.

“We have started significant changes that are reflected in the quality of the preschool education program. That is why it is important to share the values ​​and vision of the further development of the preschool education system, to understand the complexity of changes and processes, to combine knowledge and experience of positive practice, and solve challenges together. On these challenges, we have the opportunity to learn, to change, to cooperate in research, and to cooperate in the interest of children.

The Ministry of Education, recognizing the key role of practitioners, educators, and professional associates in building the quality of practice of preschool education and education, through the “Inclusive preschool education and care” project, initiated activities to improve the initial education of educators.

With that point in mind, an analysis of the study programs at six faculties and 10 colleges was carried out and a draft of recommendations was prepared for adapting the study program/subject by the new Foundations of preschool education and the new Competency Standards for the teaching profession and its professional development. Given the importance of student practice in preparing future students for the professional role of an educator, a Practice Model was developed and piloted with two higher education institutions and a preschool institution, with recommendations that contribute to changing the relationship between theory and practice in the initial education of educators.

The draft of these recommendations was created in close cooperation with representatives of higher education institutions that educate teachers and preschool institutions where teachers fulfill and continue to develop their complex professional roles.