27. November. 2023
Minister of Education Dr. Slavica DJukic Dejanovic and the president of the temporary authority of the city of Leskovac, Goran Cvetanovic, laid the foundation stone for the construction of a new kindergarten in the city today.
Approximately 102 million dinars will be invested in the construction of the new “Vukica Mitrovic” Preschool kindergarten, covering an area of 780 m2. The completion of the works is planned within eight months. The new facility will provide 120 additional places for children in the city, contributing to the reduction of the waiting list for preschool enrollment.
“The Ministry of Education, with the support of the World Bank, continues its diligent efforts to expand the capacity of preschool institutions throughout Serbia by constructing new ones and extending and adapting existing facilities. Our educational policy aims to include as many children as possible in the system of preschool education and care, especially those from socially sensitive groups. We also prioritize the quality of preschool education and care as the foundation for a successful future. Next year, we will gather again at this same place to open the doors of the new kindergarten for children from Leskovac,” said Minister of Education Slavica Djukic Dejanovic.
The minister highlighted that special attention has been given to the inclusion of children from vulnerable social groups in the system of preschool upbringing and education in Leskovac over the past four years.
“The implemented activities focused on improving the learning and development opportunities for children from rural areas, Roma communities, and those requiring additional support. The Ministry and the World Bank supported the local project ‘Razigraonica’ with 5.7 million dinars, hiring a teacher and a Roma mediator. Three new groups were formed to work with children aged 3.5 to 5 years in the rural areas of Brestovac, Turekovac, and Vinarac. These villages’ spaces were adapted and equipped with new furniture, didactic tools, and toys. Thanks to this support, about 300 children are now included in the system of preschool education and care,” said the minister. She added that parallel work was done with parents, organizing 20 workshops to improve their parenting skills.
“By laying the foundation stone for this, the 12th kindergarten within the preschool institution ‘Vukica Mitrovic,’ we demonstrate our persistence in providing all children with good conditions for a safe and happy childhood, with a specific emphasis on children from socially and economically disadvantaged social groups. I express gratitude to the Ministry of Education and the World Bank for realizing the ‘Inclusive Preschool Education and Upbringing’ project. This project, through various components, not only contributed to increased children’s inclusion but also focused on improving the knowledge and skills of professional staff through mentoring support and the application of new program foundations,” said the president of the temporary governing body of the city of Leskovac, Goran Cvetanovic.
The construction of new kindergartens is part of the “Inclusive Preschool Education and Care” project implemented by the Ministry of Education with the support of the World Bank. This project is dedicated to increasing the capacity of preschool institutions throughout Serbia by providing 11,000 new places, as well as enhancing preschool upbringing and education through the introduction of new program basics, education of professional staff, mentoring support, and training for educators. An essential aspect of the program is the inclusion of children from the earliest age.
You can see the photos here.