- VLADIMIRCI – “MY KINDERGARTEN – KINDERGARTEN FOR ALL CHILDREN” WORKSHOP WITH FATHERS 09. 03. 2021. Preschool institution "Suncokreti" organized a workshop with fathers on the occasion of Women's Day within…
- FIRST HORIZONTAL ONLINE EXCHANGE WITHIN THE PROJECT “DAD, MOM PLAY WITH US” 05. 03. 2021. The first horizontal online exchange was held within the Project "Dad, Mom, play with us"…
- INCREASING THE COVERAGE OF CHILDREN WHO ARE NOT IN THE SYSTEM OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION OF THE ČUKARICA PRIMARY SCHOOL 05. 03. 2021. A meeting with the representatives of the Preschool Institution Čukarica was held in the hall…
- PILOTED A MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY OF PRACTICIONERS 04. 03. 2021. As part of the Capacity Building Support Program for the implementation of the ECEC Program…
- VELIKA PLANA – TOGETHER TOWARDS QUALITY, INCLUSIVE PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 04. 03. 2021. Velika Plana, as one of the receivers of the grant, started in the previous period…