29. March. 2021


The project “Dad, Mom, play with us” continued the realization of baby workshops in the kindergarten “Gorica” ​​in Sremcica.

For the needs of the realization of the baby program, a space called “Baby Center” was created. This center, in addition to the study room where baby massages and baby workshops are realized, also contains a space for early development, which we have enriched with various literature for parents.

The baby program in the kindergarten Gorica has so far been realized in three cycles and was attended by 18 babies and their families.

The implementers of the baby program are the nurse at the preventive health care Zivoslava Zivanovic, the nurse educator Natasa Macinkovic with the support of the psychologist, the mentor in the project Katarina DJuric, who is the author of the program.

We invite you to watch a short video created by Natasa Macinkovic, a nurse educator, posted below.