23. April. 2021


In the first half of April, another online training was held for the directors of preschool institutions to take the license exams. The content of the interactive, online training for directors is based on 16 topics within the four areas of competence of directors of institutions. Also, the program relies on the knowledge of participants in the field of education and care, cooperation with parents, understanding of inclusive policies and acceptance of inclusive values, as well as their experiences in applying inclusive practices.

Based on the evaluations of the participants, the topic that stood out as particularly important is “Leadership and change management in the context of preschool”. The reform of the educational system implies a series of systemic and functional changes, which are reflected in the management of institutions and the roles taken over by the directors of institutions. In this context, it is expected that directors, in addition to adequate education, must possess the ability to manage the institution and leadership skills. Basic competencies of management and organization include communication, planning, leadership, decision making. Leadership in management implies a high level of efficiency, flexibility, as well as pronounced social skills. Each of these segments was the subject of work on trainings so that after them the directors were trained for contextual analysis of the situation in institutions in order to plan changes. With the help of the digital tool Padlet, participants had the opportunity to express their opinion on the training.

In order to strengthen preschool institutions and principals as leaders and initiators of change, support in the form of training for initiating and leading change is planned by the end of this year, and it will be attended by about 1,300 principals and professional associates from all public primary schools.