21. April. 2021


The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development is improving the quality of the preschool system through Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Project. What activities are carried out?

In order to increase the availability of quality preschool education, we focused on building, adapting and equipping kindergartens and providing professional support to employees for the implementation of the new Preschool Curriculum Framework.

 In which municipalities are the capacities of preschool institutions expanding?

Works in Doljevac, Zitoradja and Sremska Mitrovica have been completed. In the upcoming period, we will continue the construction of facilities in Krusevac, Loznica and Merosina, with funds over 250 million dinars.

Tell us a bit more about improving the competencies of employees in the system of preschool education.

Through the Project, we realize trainings for employees in preschool institutions for the application of the new program concept “Godine uzleta”, for the use of digital technologies and for self-evaluation. By the end of the Project, it is planned that the trainings will include 12,000 educators and professional associates.

How do local governments participate in the Project?

The ministry provided 1.8m euros in financial support to 34 local governments. Thanks to intersectional cooperation of different services at the level of local self-government, such as preschools, health centers, centers for social work in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, we realized a large number of creative programs for parents and children, equipped rooms, purchased mini buses for transporting children from remote settlements. In this way, 2,500 children are included in the preschool education program for the first time. Despite significant improvements, it is necessary to continue activities to improve the inclusive practice of institutions and inform families about different types of support in the local community.