14. May. 2021


Minister Branko Ruzic visited the kindergarten “Mali princ”, which is part of preschool institution “Bosko Buha” in Palilula. The visit was organized within Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care project, which the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia is implementing with the financial support of the World Bank.

Through socializing and talking with children, the Minister drew attention to the key messages of the Project that relate to the importance of preschool education and acceptance of diversity in order to support the inclusiveness of the system. In a playful atmosphere, in the yard of the kindergarten, the minister and the children created a joint panel on which they their handprints in different colours. The visit ended with the presentation of gift, an interactive board, to the kindergarten.

The project of inclusive preschool education is extremely important for the community, since it aims to improve the accessibility, quality and fairness of preschool education. This primarily means increasing the coverage and accessibility of preschool institutions, where all children from birth to 6.5 years of age will benefit, as well as their families, preschool institutions and local communities (local self-government units, health services, social work centres, etc.). The priority are children from socially and economically vulnerable social groups.

See photos from the event here.