22. March. 2021


The project of the City of Sabac “Support to children and families from vulnerable social groups in providing equal opportunities for learning and development” within the Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Project abounds in activities that were limited in previous months due to the pandemic situation. Regardless of that, and trying to comply with all epidemiological measures, the project partners adjusted the activities, so the beneficiaries were not denied what had been announced.

In cooperation with the Vozdovac Theater from Misar, about 250 children from a dozen villages watched the educational play “Healthy Teeth”. The play dealt with healthy lifestyles in a humorous and child-friendly way, above all, preserving health.

In addition to children, parents also had the opportunity to go through the “Mobile School of Parenting”, a program that contributes to the development of parenting skills. Through a presentation and video content, the mobile team in the available premises of the villages of Miokus, Drenovac and Zablace spoke to parents about the importance of the kindergarten community for child development, its inclusion among peers and useful time in short preschool programs. Also, there was talk about the influence of the media on children’s speech, which was discussed by special educators and speech therapists.

The mobile team was formed to educate parents in a rural area in the city of Sabac. The topics covered were aimed at prevention – healthy lifestyles and healthy child development.

With the financial means of the Project, a playroom was started in Pocerski Pricinovic, whose name is “Playroom for everyone and you are a part of it”. This mixed group consists of children aged 3 to 5.5, and the group was formed on the premises of the local community and will last for the next three months, until June 15. Materials for work and snacks were provided for the children, and an educator having years of experience working with children in such short programs was hired.