5. August. 2020


The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with the support of Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care project, plans to work on improving the digital competencies of employees in preschool institutions. In order to record the initial situation, a questionnaire was created through which educators, professional associates and principals of preschool institutions assessed their competencies for using content offered by digital technologies, the frequency of different practices and the availability and use of different digital resources in computer science (digital equipment and digital resources and tools ). Also, the questionnaire looked at the opinions of the employees in the PU on the use of digital technologies in working with children.

The questions in the questionnaire, mainly given through four-point assessment scales, relate to the following areas:

  • 1. use of computer equipment and digital resources;
  • 2. implementation of digital technologies in direct educational work with children;
  • 3. implementation of digital technologies for exchange of information with family, colleagues, local community;
  • 4. implementation of digital technologies in professional networking and professional development, and
  • 5. resources of the institution for the implementation of digital technologies.

Based on the processed results, a Research Report on the implementation of digital technologies in preschool institutions was prepared. The conclusions presented in it can be considered relevant given that they are based on data collected on a representative sample that includes preschools different in terms of size, level of development of the region in which they are located and the degree of urban settlement. The study involved 25 preschool institutions, which include 190 facilities, or 1560 respondents.

The results show that educators, professional associates and directors of preschool institutions have a positive attitude towards the integration of digital technologies in various aspects of their work, but also an assessment that they need further training in certain areas. Based on the presented results, the domains in which practitioners face greater challenges, and express a greater need for support, which can be the basis for developing a framework of digital competencies of educators and a starting point for creating various forms of professional development of practitioners in preschool institutions in order to develop and improving their digital competencies (creating accredited programs that respond to the needs of practice and practitioners, but also organizing horizontal exchanges and connecting practitioners themselves within the internal professional training in the institution). Also, the assessments of employees in preschool institutions indicate the necessary solutions from the system level and finding ways to adequately equip preschool institutions with digital technology and improve programs for initial education of educators.

The motivation of practitioners and their interest in further training with adequately developed measures and types of support are the way to a gradual transformation and shaping of the system that follows the trends of modern society, but which is primarily aimed at supporting the welfare of children. You can download a detailed research report on the application of digital technologies in preschool institutions HERE.