17. October. 2020


A press conference was held in Cacak on October 6th, 2020, at which Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care Project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technical Development of the Republic of Serbia was presented, as well as the activity plan of the project „Support Children and Families” received funding under the grant program.

The project partners are the preschool institutions „Radost” and „Moje detinjstvo”, the Health Center Cacak, the Center for Social Work, the School for Primary and Secondary Education „November 1st” and the Association for Assistance to Mentally Underdeveloped Persons. The goal of the project is to integrate children from socially vulnerable groups into the preschool educational system. The integration will take place through a series of activities and will last for 32 months.

The first phase refers to the motivation and mapping of families from socially vulnerable groups, while the next ones will involve the formation of groups of children who will be included in the work of preschool institutions „Radost” and „Moje detinjstvo”. The preschool institution „Radost” has already adapted the premises in the kindergarten „Bambi”, where the first group of children, 24 of them, would go, on February 1st next year.

The projects will include events and education, and one of the most important will be the School for Parents.