19. October. 2020


In the Municipality of Vladicin Han, the realization of the project “Strengthening the capacity of the preschool institution “Pcelica” in Vladicin Han for providing services to children and families from vulnerable social groups” is in progress.

The implementation of the project aims to improve the availability of preschool services for children from vulnerable social groups, achieving equal opportunities for learning and development of children from vulnerable social groups, providing support to families for the development of parental competencies and strengthening the capacity of institutions and organizations in Vladicin Han for providing services to children and families from vulnerable social groups.

As part of the project, short diversified programs for children who are not included in the preschool program are being implemented, where workshops are being organized for children from vulnerable groups aged 3-5.5 who do not attend kindergarten.


This activity represents the preparation and motivation of parents for their children to start the preschool program as soon as possible. It is carried out through various educational and creative activities to accustom children and their parents to participate in the preschool program and to break the prejudices that parents from marginalized groups have towards the kindergarten, especially from the Roma population which is highly represented in the total population in Vladicin Han Municipality. Children – beneficiaries of this activity are divided into three groups, each group consisting of 20 children. Two groups are implementing the program in the kindergarten facility in Vladicin Han, one of which will continue the implementation of the program in the new kindergarten facility, which is expected to open soon, and for which equipment was provided from the ECEC project budget through the Government of the Republic of Serbia, with World Bank loan funds. The third group carries out its activities in the kindergarten department in the village of Lepenica, six kilometers from Vladicin Han, a multiethnic environment with a high representation of the Roma population.

Also, as part of the implementation of the Project, workshops for parents are being conducted. These workshops aim to empower and encourage parents and families of children of kindergarten age who are not included in the preschool system to enroll their children in the preschool program – by helping to solve dilemmas that exist in the family and between parents, pointing out benefits for children’s development and socialization and free time that parents, especially mothers, can use to find a job; assistance in exercising the right to enroll ‒ assistance in collecting documentation; assistance in breaking down prejudices and stereotypes, for inclusion in regular social life and removing obstacles that affect the response of parents to include children in preschool institutions, but also prejudice and negative attitude of other parents towards children from vulnerable groups, ie non-acceptance, as one of the factors due to which parents do not perceive kindergartens as an acceptable and safe environment for their children. This activity is also realized through three groups of 20 users, two of which are in Vladicin Han, and one in the village of Lepenica.


The results so far show the great importance of the implementation of these activities as well as the entire Project, because they have contributed to increasing interest in enrolling children in preschool programs, even in environments that traditionally rarely enroll their children in kindergartens. This is evidenced by the growing waiting list, which was not significantly affected even by the current coronavirus epidemic.

The project “Strengthening the capacity of the preschool institution “Pcelica” in Vladicin Han to provide services to children and families from vulnerable social groups” is implemented by the Municipality of Vladicin Han as part of the project: Inclusive preschool education – ECEC implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

Support for the implementation of this Project was provided from the Grant allocated under the ECEC project through the Government of the Republic of Serbia and from the World Bank loan.