13. June. 2023


To support the directors of all public preschool institutions and educational advisors of school administrations, in cooperation with UNICEF and through component 2 of the project Inclusive Preschool Education and Care, in the period April – May 2023, 9 two-day consultations on the topic “Organization and management of the institution” were successfully implemented. Directors of preschool institutions (PU), educational advisers of school administrations, and principals of primary schools (primary schools) – presidents of municipal principals’ activities took part in the consultations.

The first day of counseling, for PU directors and educational advisors, was dedicated to the areas of quality: Organization and management of the institution and Professional learning community. First, the directors of preschool institutions, 4 each in the morning and afternoon sessions through the prism of the Quality Standards for the work of preschool institutions, presented examples of inspiring practice to their fellow directors. The directors’ presentations showed how their activities contributed to the development of the quality of the institution’s work in different domains – who supported them all in the process of change, what challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. Examples of inspiring practice were presented to their fellow directors by Tanja Jovanovic, director of the preschool institution from Zajecar, Milka Simic, director of the preschool institution from Kragujevac Vanja Milutinovic, director of the preschool institution from Zagubica, Biljana Gajic, director of the preschool institution from Cukarica, Jelena Selak, director of the preschool institution from Odzak, Snezana Bulatovic, director of the preschool institution from Kula, Marija Starcevic, director of preschool institution from Velika Plana, Suzana Simeunovic, director of the preschool institution from Cacak, Radmila Arandjelovic, director of PU from Rakovica, Ana Lacarak, director of PU from Backi Petrovac and Jasmina Bouali, director of PU from Zemun.

Presentations of examples of inspiring practice at the forums that followed were the occasion and initiator of discussion and exchange between the participants, principals, and educational advisors, and an opportunity to ask the principals who presented their practice additional questions. At the end of the day, the directors were given guidelines for preparing a presentation of their practice to colleagues, at various meetings of the horizontal exchange between the directors.

The second day of counseling, in which, in addition to educational advisors and directors of PU, the presidents of the municipal assets of primary school directors took part, was dedicated to the transition from preschool institutions to elementary school. After the presentation of the training “On the common path of learning” which was intended for and was attended by expert associates from primary schools and teachers – coordinators of professional councils for class teaching, the participants created Action Plans to support children and families during the transition from kindergarten to elementary school.

The last block of counseling was an opportunity to look at the challenges faced by the actors of PU and primary schools, as well as children and families in transition, and to think about ways to overcome them. A significant insight is that it is important to include parents as partners in the development of plans. Conferences were held in Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Cacak, Vranje, Zrenjanin, and Vrnjacka Banja, and about 270 participants took part in them. The participants expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to strengthen themselves professionally and improve their competencies through exchanges with colleagues.

You can see the photos here.