25. July. 2023


As part of her official visit to the Republic of Serbia, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of North Macedonia visited the kindergarten – cluster center within the public preschool institution “Dr. Sima Milosevic”

On Friday, 21st of July, 2023, in the period from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia, led by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mrs. Jovana Trencevska, visited the “Zemunski Biser” kindergarten, at Dragana Rakica Street 39, in Zemun.

In front of the Ministry of Education, the host was the state secretary, Mrs. Anamarija Vicek. In addition to her, the following participated in the visit: Ljiljana Marolt, head of the Group for Preschool education and care, and in front of the Project – Biljana Hroneos Krasavac, director, and Marija Belenzada, consultant for PVO.

In addition to the minister, the Macedonian delegation included: Natasa Dimoska, head of the Cabinet, and members of the Project Management Unit, which is implemented in North Macedonia with the support of the World Bank: Elizabeta Kunovska, director, Natasa Stojanovska, grant coordinator and Anica Gjurovska IT coordinator.

In front of the “Zemunski biser” kindergarten, which is one of the 5 kindergartens – cluster centers for the implementation of the new Foundations of the PVO program “Godine uzleta”, the host was Jasmina Bouali Stanojkovic, director of the public preschool institution (PI) “Dr. Sima Milosevic”, with a professional assistant – pedagogue and educators.

The visit, which was extended from the planned 1 hour to almost 2 hours, took place in an open and direct atmosphere in which the guests visiting the kindergarten had the opportunity to hear from the educators how the cluster center functions within the model of horizontal exchange and learning “Joint learning by modeling”, how practitioners from one kindergarten learn with practitioners from another kindergarten-cluster center through direct experience and modeling in the context of practice. During the tour of the working rooms of the kindergarten, the guests were able to hear and see from the children how they study and research, which spaces they use, what they do during the summer months, and also to play the board game “Uno” with the preschoolers.

Guests had the opportunity to ask questions, but also to see how an environment is created in which children can explore by manipulating different materials, in which children can ask questions, in which they learn from each other and together with adults (teachers, parents), they learn through experience, in situations that make sense for them.

The guests expressed great satisfaction and gratitude, emphasizing that everything they saw and heard was very significant and could be useful for improving the quality of preschool education in the Republic of North Macedonia.

You can see the photos here.