25. April. 2024


The first traces of organized work with preschool children date back to 1930, when a kindergarten was established at the local primary school. More serious and organized work began on September 6, 1966, with the opening of a kindergarten at the First Primary School, marking the beginning of continuous organized preschool education in Gornji Milanovac. Finally, in 1972, the Assembly of the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac established the “Institution for the Care and Education of Children, Provision of Extended Stay, Accommodation, and Other Forms of Assistance to Primary School Students,” under the name “Miša Lazić.”

Since its founding, the institution operated in inadequate spaces at “King Alexander I” Primary School until the construction of the first building in 1972. The second organizational unit, Building II, was built in 1979. Building III was constructed in 1981, and an annex to Building I was added in 1984. On October 1, 2008, a new working unit, Building IV, was formed by adapting the so-called “Residence” space at “Momčilo Nastasijević” Primary School. Preschool education in Rudnik is conducted in a facility built in 1971 as part of “Arsenije Loma” Primary School in Rudnik. In Pranjani, the preschool education system began operating on October 1, 2002, using the space at “Ivo Andrić” Primary School, and since January 18, 2010, the kindergarten in Pranjani has been operating in a newly adapted space.

Educational work with children is organized in nursery groups for ages 1-2 and 2-3 years, as well as educational groups for ages 3-5.5 years, and mixed groups from 1-3 years and from 3 years until the start of the preparatory preschool program. The preparatory preschool program is part of the institution’s regular program (ages 5.5 – 6.5 years) and is conducted as either full-day or four-hour sessions. The working units are of a combined nature (nursery and kindergarten), except for the facility in Rudnik, which has a mixed group and another group in the preparatory preschool program, and Building IV, which is exclusively for children of preparatory preschool age. The total number of children enrolled in the kindergarten is 1320.

To ensure the quality of educational work, efforts are made to provide resources for adapting spaces and equipping kindergartens with furniture, didactic materials, toys, various equipment, experimental tools, audiovisual materials, literature, and ICT equipment. The resources for adaptation and equipping are provided with the help of the local community, creating didactic materials in the kindergartens involving children, educators, parents, and local community experts, as well as implementing numerous projects.

As part of the “Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care” project implemented by the Ministry of Education with the help of the World Bank, 4 classrooms have been adapted and equipped. In the kindergarten in Pranjani, 2 classrooms for children aged 3 to school age and 1 room for nursery-aged children were adapted and equipped, while one educational room was adapted in the facility at the primary school in Svračkovci.

The adaptation of the space included painting, replacing, repairing, and sanding parquet floors, painting radiators, and installing LED panels. In Pranjani, the carpentry in the mentioned three rooms was replaced. The classrooms were equipped with the most modern furniture, didactic materials, toys, picture books, and other materials needed for educational work. This has created an environment that allows children to grow and develop in a safe and stimulating setting, enabling them to explore, play, and learn with their peers.

The significance of the “Inclusive Preschool Education and Care” project, through which the classrooms at the “Sunce” Preschool Institution were adapted and equipped, is extremely significant as it improves the quality of work, increases the coverage of children, ensures the availability of preschool services, and creates equal opportunities for learning and development for all children.

You can see the photos here.