4. November. 2019


As part of the second round of the ECEC Project Grant Scheme, under which grants are awarded to LSGs for the implementation of the early childhood education and care activities, the ECEC Project Management Unit organised trainings for the representatives of LSGs on the preparation of project proposals.

The three one-day training sessions were held on October 29th–31st, 2019 in the “Radojka Lakić“ Student Resort on the Mount Avala, Belgrade.

The sessions were attended by 80 representatives from 22 local self-government units. Apart from the LSGs representatives, the trainings were attended by the representatives of inter-sectoral committees and the LSGs partner organisations:

  • preschool institutions;
  • social care centres;
  • health care centres;
  • Red Cross;
  • NGOs.

As a follow-up to the successfully held trainings on preparing project proposals, as of November 2019 the ECEC Project Management Unit will announce the Second invitation for submitting project proposals to be financed from the ECEC Project Grant Scheme proceeds.