5. April. 2021


The city of Leskovac is another grant winner within the Project of Inclusive Preschool Education. With the help of funds from the grant program, the preschool institution “Vukica Mitrovic” together with its partners- the City of Leskovac, the Center for Social Work Leskovac and the Association of Parents “Ringeraja” developed a large number of activities whose implementation brought significant results in the previous period.

In the first place, the coverage of children with preschool education in rural areas has increased. In the village of Brestovac, two new groups were formed in which twenty children were enrolled. A group was formed in Turekovac, one group was formed with eighteen children enrolled, and the plan is to expand the group in the following period.

In order to improve the educational work with children that follows the children’s interests and the needs of the family, Leskovac strengthens the capacity of institutions and organizations to provide services to children from vulnerable social groups. In that context, the living space in the village of Brestovac (two groups) was adapted and equipped, and the space in the village of Turekovac (one group) was equipped. Necessary equipment as well as didactic materials for children’s stay have been provided. A free four-hour stay for children is realized every day. Also, partnership activities are being implemented in order to improve cooperation with parents.

The preschool institution, in cooperation with partners, improves the opportunities for development and learning of children from rural areas and Roma children through:

– informing and educating parents about their right to obtain free preschool services

– monitoring the needs of parents and children and the possibility of using the Romani language within the program

In accordance with the extraordinary circumstances, the cooperation with the family was improved through online communication and the Viber groups. In that way, we are working on getting parents familiar with the best educational approaches.

Conditions are created for children to stay, which will enable them to expand their experiences through the process of research and construction, and not exclusively through the linear acquisition of knowledge. Educators organize a space that exudes and reflects the atmosphere of having a choice to play in various spatial units. Children learn through interaction with the social and physical environment by constantly changing and adapting their previous experiences and knowledge. This approach is based on project-based learning involving children, educators, families and others. Such an organization allows children to be safe and to feel welcome and accepted.

A great contribution to the realization of project activities and sustainability of the program is given by all the mentioned actors.