6. May. 2021


The Red Cross is one of the partners in the project “Inclusive preschool education” which is realized by PI “Poletarac” Odzaci.

During this week, within the project, Red Cross Odzaci were realized 4 educational workshops called “Diffusion – we are learning about humanity” in PI “Poletarac”. The goal of these workshops is for children to get acquainted with the largest humanitarian organization, to learn what humanity is, why they should be humane and how to spread kindness and love with humanity.

One workshop was held in the facilities “Duga” in Backi Brestovac and “Carolija” in Deronje on April 26 and 27, while in the facility “Maslacak” in Bogojevo on April 28, 2021, two workshops were held.

The workshops are designed as joint activities of children who attend four-hour and short programs. The workshops were attended by 73 children, 4 educators and a pedagogical assistant.

Within the workshops, packages for personal hygiene were distributed to children from socially vulnerable groups. Funds for the purchase of these packages were provided by a grant the institution received within the project.