28. June. 2021

A contract was signed for the building of two kindergartens in Krusevac

The First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and the Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Branko Ružić, signed agreements in Kruševac on the reconstruction of two kindergartens in that city, “Golub mira” and “Labud”.

The contract with the minister was signed by the deputy mayor of Krusevac, Aleksandar Jovanović, and the contractor.

After signing the contract, Minister Ruzic assessed that investing in education is the key to the development of our society and that the goal is to fully raise the quality of the entire preschool system, as well as to make it even more accessible and accessible to children from all socially vulnerable groups.

Over 58 million dinars, will be set aside for these two kindergartens in Krusevac.

The reconstruction of these two facilities will provide 160 new places for children, 80 in each kindergarten. It is an upgrading and reconstruction of the existing facilities, and the completion of the works is 8 months from the day of the beginning of the works.

This project will provide about 11,000 new places in kindergartens throughout Serbia and thus reduce waiting lists for kindergartens.

The Deputy Mayor of Krusevac, Aleksandar Jovanović, pointed out that today’s signing of the contract is very important for this city due to the creation of better conditions for children to stay in kindergartens. According to him, these two kindergartens will get a larger capacity, but also new furniture, teaching aids, toys and everything that is necessary for children to stay in kindergartens.