21. December. 2020


Preschool institution “Poletarac” Odžaci within the Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Project with its partners, the Municipality of Odžaci, the Health Centre Odžaci, the Sports Association of the Municipality of Odžaci, the Red Cross Odžaci and the Association of Teachers of Vojvodina has achieved the following:

1) Improving the availability of preschool services for children from socially vulnerable groups –informing parents about the rights to enrol, the reduced price of kindergarten fee and free stay in kindergarten through bilingual flyers.

 2) Increasing the coverage of children from vulnerable groups in rural areas – designing and implementing short programs in accordance with the wishes and needs of users (“Getting to know ourselves”, “It is my right to live happily and healthily” and “Reading Room”). So far, 31 children have been enrolled, and the ultimate goal is to establish regular attendance at these programs, as well as enrolment of children next year.

3) The preschool institution has implemented various programs that enable the availability of diverse contents assisting development and learning of children from socially vulnerable groups through joint activities with other children. In cooperation with the Sports Association of the Municipality of Odžaci, the Sports School program is being implemented, in which 35 children from the group play and practice together in Serbian, Hungarian and short programs.

4) Realization of various educational workshops for children in cooperation with partners: “Misha and Masha” with the Red Cross, “Tooth Screening” with the Health Centre, “Healthy Growing” with the Sports Federation, “Life Values” in cooperation with the professional service of the kindergarten. So far, a total of 231 children have attended these workshops.

5) Mobile School of Parenting – in cooperation with the Health Centre Odžaci, educational lectures on “Family Planning” were realized. The lectures were attended by more than 60 parents.

6) Creative workshops for children and fathers on the topic of March 8th. Dads made gifts for moms with kids. The workshops were attended by 202 participants.

7) Providing material aid to families from socially vulnerable groups. At the beginning of the year, the children received bags for kindergarten, slippers, notebooks and tea cups. Before the New Year, the children also received New Year’s gifts. 60 families received material aid.

8) Empowerment of employees in Preschool Institutions  – in cooperation with the Association of Educators of Vojvodina, two workshops were realized for 43 educators and nurses-educators on the topic “Measured and thoughtful steps for the development of children’s self-confidence through a stimulating environment.”

 See other photos here.