18. September. 2020


Since October 2019. Novi Sad has been implementing the project „TOGETHER IN INCLUSION – for the benefit of the children of Novi Sad”. The partners in the project are PI Radosno detinjstvo, Center for production of knowledge and skills, Center for social work, Health Center „Novi Sad” and School of Special Education “Milan Petrovic”. The general goal of the project is to improve the coordinated activity of actors in the local community to support inclusive preschool education in Novi Sad, and the direct beneficiaries are preschool children who are not included in preschool education with an emphasis on Roma children, and their parents.

Since the beginning of the project, field activities to support early development have covered over 60 Roma children and 20 parents have received support through activities to strengthen parental competencies. During the field work, the families, together with the children, are empowered and prepared for inclusion in the preschool educational system. The school of parenthood was attended by 15 parents, and the topics of these workshops relate to parenting skills that are important for supporting the development of children and the importance of partner parenting. In addition, 12 parents received legal advice in exercising their rights in the field of social protection and education. Given the epidemic of the Covid-19 virus, when possible, the participation of families in events that took place in the city, such as the Festival of the Rights of the Child in October 2019., was organized.

A reading corner with books and picture books for children has been equipped in one of the facilities of the Novi Sad Health Center, and activities of more intensive connection within the Novi Sad intersectoral network for children NSMEDE have begun in the form of preparing an interdepartmental protocol for informing and educating parents starting elementary school.