11. December. 2020
The preschool institution Cukarica continued to successfully implement project activities within the project “Dad, Mom, play with us”. In the kindergarten “Gorica” in Sremcica, two spaces are equipped for the realization of quality short programs.
“An important condition for the success of the project is the constant improvement of the quality of the preschool education system, by improving the material conditions and enabling professional development of educators as well as their professional development,” said the director of the PU Cukarica, Biljana Gajic.
“We use all available space resources that we have in the kindergarten, so we have equipped the space for the realization of baby programs, intended for families who have babies aged 0-12 months. Also, the space for the realization of the short program “Igroteka” is equipped. This program is intended for children who are not in the system of preschool education at the age of 1-5.5, “said the coordinator of the PU Cukarica team, Aleksandra Petrovic.
The member of the Municipal Council, Stana Lukic, pointed out that considering the fact that the City Municipality of Cukarica does not have the authority to equip preschool institutions, any donation that would improve the living conditions of children in kindergartens is very important.