26. July. 2023


Self-evaluation teams of all public preschool institutions in Serbia received support during the entire self-evaluation process, in the period September 2022 – May 2023.

Within the project “Inclusive Preschool Education and Care” implemented by the Ministry of Education, (MOE) with the support of the World Bank, as part of the goal of Improving the process of self-evaluation in preschool institutions (PI), support is provided for strengthening the competencies of practitioners who are recognized as key actors in the process changes in practice by the starting points of the program conception of preschool education and education (PVO) “Godine uzleta”. To that end, the Project provided support:

• prepared resources for self-evaluation of the work of preschool institutions (proposed instruments – checklists, questionnaires, questions for focus groups, proposed questions for consultation with children);

• prepared Guide Self – evaluation in preschool institutions – Guide for employees in preschool institutions (printed and distributed to all public PIs in a circulation of 10,600 copies);

• realized one-day training for self-evaluation teams of public PIs (2022);

• created an electronic version of the instruments and MS Forms applications (on the website of ZUOVa), which facilitates the self-evaluation teams and significantly shortens the data processing process;

• training for around 100 educational advisors from all school administrations in the territory of the Republic of Serbia was carried out to empower them to provide support to practitioners in PI through the new program concept.

• mentoring support for self-evaluation teams of all public preschool institutions throughout the entire cycle of self-evaluation during the 2022/23 working years;

• the creation of a database with examples of good practices in self-evaluation is underway, which will be posted on the Project’s website after preparation.

In the period from September 2022 to May 2023, 30 female mentors engaged and trained within the Project provided support to PI in the self-evaluation process, which took place by the revised concept of self-evaluation presented in the Guide and based on the model of mentoring support developed as part of the Project.

During this process, the mentors held three live meetings and two online meetings with the self-evaluation teams from PI. Also, during the self-evaluation process, the mentors had continuous communication with the institutions during which they gave the practitioners from the teams answers to the questions regarding the challenges they encountered in the self-evaluation process.

 At the beginning of June, reports from all public PIs on the mentoring support provided in the self-evaluation process were collected and forwarded to the expert team, which is in the process of creating a summary report on providing support in the self-evaluation process for all public PIs in Serbia.

In the same period, examples of good practice were identified. About ten examples are in the stage of final revision, after which they will be posted on the Project website https://ecec.mpn.gov.rs/

You can see the photos here.